Top Twitter Marketing Tips

Twitter, albeit one of the now smaller social media channels in comparison to Facebook and Instagram is also still one of the fastest moving channels. It’s so instant that a tweet’s lifespan usually only lasts about 18 minutes before ‘the news’ has moved on. On average around 7k tweets are sent every single second… wow!

With that in mind, your tweets really do have to work hard to capture that attention span of a goldfish and it can take a long time to figure out what works for your business. We’ve picked some of our most successful tips for small businesses and popped them right here to help you on your way.

1. Profile, profile, profile

Are you sensing a theme here with some of our other blogs? Your profile really needs to be professional, clean and tidy. Pick the right username or ‘handle’ for your business. Something recognisable for your business and easy to read. Get those all-important logos resized to fit a Twitter profile picture and don’t forget to use a cover photo too. Much like Instagram, you get 160 characters to write a business bio, using hashtags or tagging partner businesses can also help to link accounts professionally.

2. Tweet at the peak

Like all channels, there are certain days of the week or times of the day when users are more active. And this means they’re more likely to engage with your content when they are online. Twitter has a good analytics tool built in to help you decide when it best to share your content based on your audience, generally speaking, the weekends work best for most businesses.

3. Planning your hashtags

Research has shown that tweets containing hashtags receive twice as much engagement than those that don’t. But that doesn’t mean that your tweets should be full of them to the point that they don’t make sense! Remember there is a character limit and it’s far more important that your content stands out and appeals. There are lots of tools to help you decide on the best hashtags that are relevant to your business, like Hashtagify.

4. Don’t forget your pictures!

Tweets with images receive 89% more ‘likes’ than those without… let’s make sure you’re getting a piece of that pie!

5. Don’t be shy

Be sure to ask your followers to complete an action, particularly if you have something worth looking at. Use some effective words or phrases like ‘follow us’ or ‘visit our website’ or ‘learn more here’ and include links to your website, products, brochure, etc. Make sure you lead those users exactly where you want them to go to ensure you get something out of putting in all this hard work to your content.

Hopefully you’re starting to see a pattern in our social media articles that means that not all social media content should be exactly the same if you’re planning to use more than one channel. We’re happy to help advise you which channels would be best suited to your business style and type, get in touch to speak to your local consultant today!

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