How to Measure SEO Success

All this talk of SEO can be discombobulating when all you really desire is to how to measure if all the hard work you’ve paid for has been worth it!

Well one of the tricks with SEO is that it can be improved over time. If you can measure the performance of it, then it can be improved or edited to make it better. It can help your SEO specialist change your priorities when something isn’t working and they should monitor this for you over time.

Here’s how we measure SEO success at Activ

Goal setting – You might have more than one goal in mind and that’s only natural, but defining one big end goal is crucial. For example, if you’re a restaurant, your goal might be to get every (or as many website visitors as possible) to book a table. We will always help our clients identify what goals they should be working towards.

Measuring your goal – You’re running this restaurant and you’ve spent a bit of your budget on SEO to improve traffic. It’s now time to see if that hard work has paid off. Have you achieved any more online table bookings than you did before you started working on SEO? There are so many ways to measure this including the time users spend on your website, what they’re looking at when they do visit and how much they’re willing to scroll to find what they need.

Search traffic – Has your website traffic increased thanks to relevant search terms identifying your content? A common way to track this is by using Google Analytics which is pack jammed with tools and metrics to report on your traffic data.

Tracking your competitors – Which keywords are your competitors ranking on page 1 of search results for? And is your website anywhere to be seen in comparison? Sometimes we have to look to some of our competitors in order to improve – after all – we definitely want you to be outranking them!

SEO Communication

SEO is one of the most complicated processes to discuss with clients who would admit they aren’t “au fait” with. It’s important to us at Activ and to all of our franchisees with SEO clients that communication channels are kept widely open. Some SEO fixes aren’t always easily noticeable without explanation in detail so be sure to find yourself an SEO expert who will take the time to bring you up to speed!

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